About Us
Dr. Ron Boykins has dedicated over 15 years to developing MathFest Competitions around the United States. As a child, math was not his strength and he struggled to find ways to become motivated about completing his math assignments.
Over the years, he has built strategies and systems to help students with the same struggle to be a part of an environment that instills motivation and skill sharpening. This is how MathFest was formed! His mission is to provide students with the skills that they can use not only in the classroom but carry with them into adulthood.

Dr. Boykins has served as district superintendent, principal, and national consultant/training. He led trajectory changes which enabled his New York district to earn its 5 year renewal after being declared among the worst in the state before his arrival. Selected numerous time to present his improvement strategies at national conferences like NCTM, ASCD, and others. His achievements in math are deep with increases in student achievement on the PARCC Assessment exceeding 200% and high potential recognitions by over 300%. National School of the Year, Top Math & Science School, State Math Champs and other awards have been presented to include Distinguished Title 1 School for 7 years. The latest accomplishment for this former military officer has been to create a math initiative to peak the interest and build math interest for 65,000+.
With the creation of his Virtual MathFest, Dr. Boykins' goal is to expand the excitement for math across the country to reach over 2.5 million students to refocus the importance of math and math oriented careers. He encourages all math educators to join him and his team as they work to change achievement , thus, preparing our children to meet the rigor necessary for future math success.
What We Deliver:
Incredible fun with math
Motivational events brought to elementary and middle schools across the country
Skill challenge appropriate for all grades 1st-8th
Opportunities for thousands to participate at each level
Proven record of improving math achievement & skills
Creative platform of events that engage youth for math
Focus on state and national standards
Competitive events open to all children regardless of academic level
Deep motivation for math
Parent engagement and support for math
Why Participate in our Math Events?
By the time students leave elementary and middle school, lots of kids already know that they are not good in math. Parents, teachers and other educational staff members can change this response by getting students involved early in math events that will peak their interest and push them to work harder. Students are drawn towards enrichment activities with a competitive element much more than they are to others that don't feature these components.
Our Divisional, Regional, and National Events are an effective solution. We place a strong emphasis on math fun, team building, and competition. These events are unlike any math competitions you have ever attended. Join us as we work to impact math achievement across the country.
"We believe that kids can be excited about math with the right environment, support, and motivation"